Let’s focus on the action items we each can do to assist the repeal of sections (500-504) in Bill C-47 in order to secure our continued access to supplements and the ability to maintain our practices and livelihoods.
This needs to be a continued and sustained course of action for as long as it takes. The most important thing is to not give up or be complacent. We are in this for the long haul, be patient.
Write a letter to your MP explaining how this will affect you, your client-patients and your business. There are many templates available that will help guide you if necessary. When they reply keep them engaged by asking further questions. Click here for a sample letter to a MP.
Request a face-to-face meeting with your MP so you can educate them on the issues. They are just people and really not that scary but it’s important to be respectful, nonetheless. They are more apt to be responsive if you speak calmly and assertively. Do not go in angry.
Inform your own client-patients and help them understand what Bill C-47 means.
Ask client-patients to write impact statements on how this will affect them, their health, their lives, and their family. (See client impact statement below.)
Post the IONC petition in your clinic space for client-patients to sign (see form below). You can mail the completed petition (at least 25 signatures) to IONC head office or you can deliver it to your local MP. Every 25 physical signatures (not electronic), equates to 25 seconds of speaking time in parliament for your MP on this issue. Our MP Larry Brock has approved our petition and will champion it in parliament. See the link below to access the IONC petition. It will also be posted at IONC · Blog.
Keep sending in your own impact statements to the IONC head office. We will be delivering them in subsequent meetings with our MP Larry Brock.
This is the most important battle our industry in Canada is facing and it requires all of our efforts and commitment. We are all in this together and we must ensure our elected officials are representing us and acting in our best interests.
The International Organization of Nutritional Consultants (IONC) is the founding registry, established in 1983, to ensure advanced standards of education and practice efficacy for Nutritional Consultants (ROHPs, RNCPs).