International Organization of Nutritional Consultants


Want a Clean Bill of Health?

In order to have a clean bill of health it is critically important to minimize exposure to synthetic chemicals and toxic poisons. What we breathe, eat and drink, along with the products we use everyday, increase or decrease the quality of our health and longevity. It is the interstitial fluid, the largest organ in our […]

Raise Your Cellular Vibration

Consciousness is the intelligent, living organizing principle of the Universe, known as Source Energy. It permeates everything and resonates in different frequency ranges within humanity according to free will and choice. The higher the frequency, the faster the vibration and the more advanced information it contains. God-like or supernatural abilities become more available as our vibration increases. High-vibrating energy consciousness manifests itself as love, peace, joy, health, abundance and freedom. Lower vibrational energy manifests as pain, suffering, sickness, toxicity, hate, fear, tyranny, depression and anxiety.

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays

The IONC offers warm wishes to all those around the world in need of love and healing.

Bill C-47 Petition

Please have as many people (clients/patients) as possible sign this petition. Learn more about Bill C-47 in our other blog posts.

Stop Bill C-47 • Action Items!

Action items we each can do in order to secure our continued access to supplements and the ability to maintain our practices and livelihoods.

NHP Regulation Crisis – Letter Toolkit

How can you take action TODAY to save our Natural Health Products? Start with NHPPA’s National Letter Writing Campaign and send letters weekly or daily to your MP! For a guideline on what to include in your letters or a pre-written template, see the link below. We need to send a clear and consistent message! […]

Celebrate our Earth

Planet earth’s formation is one of the great mysteries of the cosmos. The whole cosmos must exist in the One Source of energy from which all life emanates. Earth, as an extension then, is the out breathing of divine intelligent creation – the invisible spirit and soul of nature. She lives, moves and is a […]

How are You Feeling Today?

  Whether you are feeling good today or feeling bad, can you reach for a better feeling thought? Can you lift just a little? Thoughts create feelings and feelings generate numerous emotions that can empower or disempower us and affect our sense of well-being.  We are here on this earth walk to expand, evolve and […]

Healing the Planet of its Disease of War

 An earth civilization without war requires solutions that don’t involve us killing each other.   We may never get along completely, but a dysfunctional solution only brings about more war.  Healing war requires we solve world issues with higher consciousness, that brings wise and compassionate change. It may sound overly simple, but with higher consciousness […]

Editorial Profile Photo of Catherine
Trust Yourself and Practice What You Know

It is a new year, a new beginning and another opportunity to learn, grow and better ourselves. It is a year in need of more action stemming from compassion and love and less from fear. So much is going on in the world and the changes sweeping our planet are not very comfortable…. one might […]

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Saying “No!” means… “Yes!” to our Human Rights

We must all come together to say “No!” to that which would deny us our human rights and push our species further into extinction.

Think for Yourself

Common sense tells you when something is wrong or harmful. It is there to help you course correct when there is a deeper truth to follow.

excessive fear is always powerless
Excessive Fear is Always Powerless

Is it possible a few are controlling and promulgating an adulterated construct of reality to instill such fear that we willingly allow transgression of our boundaries and freedoms?  Effectively creating such urgency that it literally moves us to give up all rights to self-governance of our own bodies, personal possessions and property?

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Emergency Fund

Be prepared to withstand extended high inflationary rates, supply chain shortages and shocks to our economy.

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What are the main differences between Nutritional Consultants and Dieticians

A Nutritional Consultant’s educational training differs vastly from that of the Dietician. A very large body of research and well documented scientific and evidenced-based knowledge exists concerning nutrition and preventative healthcare.

Emergency Preparedness First Aid Kit

Most of us have always relied on first responders to assume this responsibility and given little thought of what we would do if it was OUR actions that were required to save a life or lives.

Preserve Your Wealth

Our dollar is being devalued by the day as inflation continues to soar across many sectors of our economy. It is costing us much more for our houses, rent, cars, food, clothing, fuel etc. Simultaneously, bank interest rates are on the rise and for many with over extended credit it will further impact the cost and quality of living, creating wider economic inequality.

The Inversion of Truth

Choose love over lovelessness every time you are confronted with a choice.

It is the way through misinformation and the inversion of truth gripping this planet.

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Freedom to Choose

There is no where for us to run or go to escape the chaos of this world. Each of us must decide for ourselves what we want to experience and where we draw the line on how much we will accept. If we are passive and do not speak up, we allow others to decide for us and we will get more of the same.

The Benefits of Preventative & Corrective Maintenance for the Body

Preventative care is best started in one’s thirties and/or forties for anti-aging and longevity; however, corrective maintenance can still be beneficial if you are over fifty.   Aging, while inevitable, should be approached thoughtfully and proceed as slowly and as painlessly as possible. 

Wellness for the World

To create the future that we want, where staying well is the norm rather than the exception, we need investments in clean environmental technologies and practices. We need a food system that is grown or raised consciously and protected from profiteering.

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