International Organization of Nutritional Consultants

The Inversion of Truth

The Inversion of Truth

Do not be misled.

If information asks you to give up your personal rights and freedoms in the face of fear… it is false.

If information justifies one narrative and punishment for non conformity… it is false.

If information asks you to universally accept one choice at the cost of all others… it is false.

If information encroaches on your personal autonomy, equality and privacy… it is false.

If information limits your right to move about the planet freely… it is false.

If information seeks to control, track and restrict all humanity for its greater good… it is false.

If information asks you to turn against one another, shame, hate or kill… it is false.

If information suggests artificial intelligence is superior to mother’s natures wisdom… it is false.

If information demands one government’s world order in place of nature’s world order… it is false.

Choose love over lovelessness every time you are confronted with a choice.

It is the way through misinformation and the inversion of truth gripping this planet.

Editorial: Catherine Carleton-Fitchett ROHP, R.Ac, General Manager IONC
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