International Organization of Nutritional Consultants

Celebrate our Earth

Celebrate our Earth

Planet earth’s formation is one of the great mysteries of the cosmos.

The whole cosmos must exist in the One Source of energy from which all life emanates.

Earth, as an extension then, is the out breathing of divine intelligent creation – the invisible spirit and soul of nature. She lives, moves and is a conscious part of the differentiated primordial matter infusing all of life. It is life embodying through the laws of nature.

What would Earth have to say were she able to speak?

Perhaps she would answer, “Science speaks so much and knows in reality, so little.”

Mother-earth has evolved through millions of years of evolution and was present during the causative agents of man’s first appearance on earth. A time when the whole world knew more of their origin than they do now. Earth’s true history and much earlier civilizations have long since been forgotten and concealed from present day understanding.

Honour her wisdom and respect her laws of nature; it is essential to our present civilization’s continuation and well-being.

Editorial: Catherine Carleton-Fitchett ROHP, R.Ac, General Manager IONC
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