International Organization of Nutritional Consultants

Excessive Fear is Always Powerless

Excessive Fear is Always Powerless

What would it take… to have you doing something you would not otherwise do or have you accepting that which you would ordinarily not? 

Fear… of unimaginable proportions… on a global scale … with no safe place … demanding mass human behavioural modification and compliance.

Global consciousness or large numbers of people thinking the same thing at the same time, and behaving uniformly, requires a major event such as mass media covering a pandemic, war or natural disaster or perhaps all three, simultaneously!

Could hijacking of media content be the true misinformation misleading human thought and behaviour?

Is it possible a few are controlling and promulgating an adulterated construct of reality to instill such fear that we willingly allow transgression of our boundaries and freedoms?  Effectively creating such urgency that it literally moves us to give up all rights to self-governance of our own bodies, personal possessions and property?

A highly contagious, self-propagating lethal virus has been unleashed on the world, void of origin and void of any real scientific evidence for its solution, with more infectious pathogens arriving on its heels.

Meanwhile, government officials are baffled and the masses baited with meaningless directives based in pseudoscience. The majority, even those of science, are not able to distinguish what is real and what is manipulation. 

What else might distract you and keep you in a constant state of fear, stress and helplessness?

How about geo-social-political chaos that incites division and anger over: aboriginal treatment, abortion rights, confusion over sexual identities, weather modification and global warming, over population, digital ID, euthanizing the infirm, bloody wars over countries borders, resources and human atrocities, food supply shortages, inflation and the rising costs of living, central bank digital currency, collapsing of medical infrastructures, ineffective governance, weaponized artificial intelligence and the potential nuclear destruction of the planet? 

Where does it go from here and why are we all made to feel so impotent and reliant on outside authority to navigate? 

How do we create a world we can live in?   

Look at this world and what fear is doing to it.  Who wants something more…something different?

Imagine a world where everything is different, where people are loved and appreciated.  

Who doesn’t want to be afraid anymore? Or powerless? 

What is fear costing you? Who are you?  What do you want to be?  What do you want to leave and show for others, for them to be inspired by?

You must be the hero, for only you can save the day.  

Your actions and where you are focusing your energy are either in direct connection with the source of all creation or not.  If it is, you gather power and you have strength to ignite the fire of freedom. 

Its’s when you are free to dream that nature allows you to birth something.  Your spark is part of birthing meaningful change in the world.  You become a stronger power in the world when you generate more meaning and act on what’s important to you. 

You are the saviour you’ve been waiting for.

Do you see the truth?

So beautiful. 

Editorial: Catherine Carleton-Fitchett ROHP, R.Ac, General Manager IONC
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