International Organization of Nutritional Consultants

Healing the Planet of its Disease of War

Healing the Planet of its Disease of War

 An earth civilization without war requires solutions that don’t involve us killing each other.  

We may never get along completely, but a dysfunctional solution only brings about more war.  Healing war requires we solve world issues with higher consciousness, that brings wise and compassionate change.

It may sound overly simple, but with higher consciousness light (love) starts to become greater than darkness (hate).  As each of us shift the world shifts around us and we then experience the world that correlates to our collective holistic (whole) movement. 

We are all taking this journey together because we have created this outrageous world with its violence, division, war and disease.  So, as we have created the societies in which we live, we have a moral responsibility to bring about a transformation and healing. 

As human beings and representatives of humanity on earth, we each get to decide whether we do this or that, to follow somebody or not, this power to decide has led our conscious evolution over the millennia. 

It’s time to develop the courage to say no to the things we do not want in our world and not let ourselves become prey and victim to the corruptive forces that have usurped the power of the masses for centuries. 

The moment has come to stand up for peace in our hearts and minds, to feel peace in our bodies, talk peace and live peace as individuals. Call in peace to your family, community, nation and the world.  Do not let your light be dimmed. 

We are waking up to birth a new future, where generations to come will live free of the disease of war.  

Editorial: Catherine Carleton-Fitchett ROHP, R.Ac, General Manager IONC
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