No, is the most powerful word the world has right now!
We must all come together to say “No!” to that which would deny us our human rights and push our species further into extinction.
No, to that which does harm to self, others and planet.
No, to that which censors our opinions, perspectives and dreams.
No, to that which overrides our constitutional freedoms of rights and liberties.
No, to that which draws us into war destroying human life, property and prosperity.
No, to that which results in mismanagement of the earth, our home.
No, to that which denies us rights to healthy food, clean water and livelihoods.
No, to that which moves democracy from being ‘of, by and for the people’ –to– ‘of, by and for the corporations’.
No, to that which disrespects personal sovereignty and our own body autonomy.
No, to that which would dominate, conquer, exploit, divide and rule over other humans.
No, to that which exempts the powerful from the consequences of their actions with zero liability and zero responsibility.
No, to that which would imagine it can master, conquer, own and control nature for power and wealth.
No, to that which monopolizes our food, communications and our financial transactions.
We must remain in our integrity never sacrificing truth, never sacrificing ourselves or others. If we can honour this and the legitimate needs of those around us, the right thing is always happening.
We decide.
Editorial: Catherine Carleton-Fitchett ROHP, R.Ac, General Manager IONC
The International Organization of Nutritional Consultants (IONC) is the founding registry, established in 1983, to ensure advanced standards of education and practice efficacy for Nutritional Consultants (ROHPs, RNCPs).