International Organization of Nutritional Consultants

Think for Yourself

Think for Yourself

Do not accept everything you are told.

Your inner voice will guide you more accurately than societal pressure and conditioning.

Common sense tells you when something is wrong or harmful. It is there to help you course correct when there is a deeper truth to follow.

No matter your choice, it honours your journey and accompanies you patiently, giving you the opportunity to choose again, with more wisdom.

Your new choice sets you on the next course of learning teaching you once again through outcomes, positive and negative. It is not a random process.

You build self-confidence and strength through alignment with your inner guidance system which is innately positive and supportive.

You are disempowered and lose energy when you ignore your inner guidance, and allow mis-alignment through fear and loss of self-governance.

Ask yourself,
“Does this honour my self-expression and expansion?”

Information should allow freedom of innovation, opinions and perspectives.

Self-expression and expansion are your life work.

Listen to your inner voice, the information that comes from inside you always has your best interests at heart.

Editorial: Catherine Carleton-Fitchett ROHP, R.Ac, General Manager IONC
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