International Organization of Nutritional Consultants

Trust Yourself and Practice What You Know

Trust Yourself and Practice What You Know

It is a new year, a new beginning and another opportunity to learn, grow and better ourselves. It is a year in need of more action stemming from compassion and love and less from fear.

So much is going on in the world and the changes sweeping our planet are not very comfortable…. one might even call it dis-ease.

You are part of the ones helping to shift the consciousness of the planet. As it is through raising spiritual consciousness in yourself, positive shifts and changes are possible in the world.

Your spiritual aspect of yourself must be your foundation and your thoughts and actions stem from this inner wisdom. This is where the truth and answers reside to overcome the world’s problems. Wisdom understands the planet and gives better choices.

What do you want for the world in 2023? More Peace? Truth? Freedom? Healing? Human Dignity?

Whatever it is, when you connect with your own guidance and follow it and do not give away your power to someone else, everything is possible!

Everything is in a state of transforming and flux. Align yourself with love and compassion and you will activate more healing in the world.

You can help another be well, in fact it’s necessary, required and urgent in these times. Step in. Step up. You are the one to do it, not someone else.

The world is experiencing a global decline in health and drop in life expectancy despite trillions of dollars spent on public health measures.

A recent poll in the National Post showed Canadian are struggling financially and are concerned about the direction of the country:

Our medical and financial institutions appear to be in slow collapse.

We are being challenged in private practice like never before. Whether it is those coming in with anxiety, depression, autoimmune and inflammatory disorders, cancer, viral and post viral syndromes, GI disturbances, gynaecological and infertility issues, circulation and neurological disturbances, physical pain and structural problems or the many other syndromes and symptoms currently plaguing medicine.

We have always had these to deal with but it has exasperated exponentially. This requires vigilant self care for the practitioner on all levels, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. It also requires showing up, taking your place, holding the space, and not having to understand everything or explain anything in reference to the current world situation. Difficult realties to contend with but together we can help each other move through it.

Start in and do what you can with what you know and what you have. Be willing to extend yourself where you are needed regardless of someone’s ability to pay. Decide for yourself what it is you can give and what you are willing to receive in exchange. It may very well be outside the current monetary system. It is called dealing in the currency of care — showing compassion for each other through exchanging freely what each has to give.

Know how much you are needed and what a difference you can make. Make your mark in the world. It is the antidote to make life the way you want it to be. You are never alone.

We are here, and with the loving assistance of many others, we can create meaningful change in the world!

Editorial: Catherine Carleton-Fitchett ROHP, R.Ac, General Manager IONC
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